Installation On Scratchbox

Follow these instructions to install the Maemo SDK on your PC. Notice that the SDK will be installed on a Maemo target inside the Scratchbox environment, Scratchbox and Maemo 5 SDK installers can be found on

Scratchbox works only on Linux platforms, if you are bound to the Windows chains consider using the Maemo SDK Virtual Image.

Fremantle SDK

First make sure your targets have the Nokia Binaries installed. If not, visit the Maemo 5.0 (Fremantle) SDK EULA page and proceed as described there.

With the Fremantle targets properly installed add this line to your targets /etc/apt/sources.list.

deb fremantle free non-free

Now resynchronize your package index files with the following command:

[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] > apt-get update

After that you are ready to install python2.5 plus bindings doing this:

[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] > apt-get install python-sdk

To see all python-related packages issue this command

[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] > apt-cache search python*

Note that you’ll see also scratchbox’s own python (version 2.3) which you must not use for your Maemo development. So, run your scripts explicitly calling python2.5 instead of just python.

Also, some programs require some extra configuration done by the script. Call python with it as follows: python2.5 <>

Diablo (OS2009) SDK

The first thing is to add the Maemo extras repository (where Python is located) to your list of package sources. To do that you will have to edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list inside scratchbox, for both targets (X86 and ARMEL), which should look similar to this:

deb diablo free non-free
deb-src diablo free
deb file:/home/[username]/maemo-sdk-nokia-binaries_4.1.2 diablo explicit

Add the following line to it:

deb diablo free non-free

Now resynchronize your package index files with the following command:

[sbox-SDK_X86: ~] > apt-get update

After that you are ready to install python2.5 plus bindings doing this:

[sbox-SDK_X86: ~] > apt-get install python2.5-sdk

To see all python-related packages issue this command

[sbox-SDK_X86: ~] > apt-cache search python*